Team Fortress 2
It probably has reached your ears by now if you're the type of person to follow my blog that TF2 is a free-to-play game by Valve, via steam.
With this in mind, I will skip all of the introductory jargon and cut straight to the point. If you aren't already playing TF2 you don't have either any interest in games, or you are thickskulled and have rubbish opinions. However, without any reason I can think of for doing so, i.e. payment from Valve for promotion of their product, I will now submit for your inspection and consideration the following reasons to play TF2. Even the most thickheaded of readers may indeed find themselves playing at the end of this. I hope...
1. Community made weapons: Have you ever played Call of Duty, thought to yourself: "You know what this game needs? A Phlogistonator!" then hopped over to your computer and 3D'ed one up, sent it to the developers of Call of Duty and had it put in-game? Oh you did? And did you also get a cut of the profit they made from that in-game weapon from the in-game store they have? NO! You didn't, you didn't do either, because you aren't playing TF2!
I'm sorry for using two exclamation marks in one paragraph.
2: Community made maps: It may sound like the developers of Team Fortress are lazy, pawning work onto the players, but what other game has tried this method? Probably a lot, but am I talking about those games? Nope. Using community maps leads to a stronger feeling of investment by the players, also again, the makers of these maps (cartographers?) are payed by Valve when players buy stamps. I don't know what use these have, if any, but the profits from these stamps, each adorned with an image of the specific map, go to the respective cartographer.
3. Hats & miscellany: You may not yet see the value of having a hat in a fps, since you can't see your own head, but the charm of running around in a headdress of your own choice and color is very charming indeed. Hats are not the only customization available to you either, two slots in your character inventory are devoted to non-head items. Santa's sleeves are an addition for your Soldier class and a peg leg is there for your Demoman. With these things combined, most of your team mates wont even have to see your name bar to recognize you.
4. Updates: every Christmas since it's release, TF2 has been adding temporary decorations to maps and gifting players with whole new item sets. Not only at the holidays though, TF2 has had 272 updates since release. Big and small Team Fortress has been changing bit by bit, getting better for the better. I had to say that, it was very poetic.
5. Classes to fight with: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Spy. Those are the nine classes of fighter to choose from and fight against. But you don't have to stick to one, oh no. At any time at any death in any game, players can press the "," key, or any custom assigned key, and choose any class from the menu they're given.