The comedian Greg Proops, (that is his name) makes a podcast.
You may have noticed a slight disparity between the title and the subject of the first sentence, this is due to the nature of the podcast and the masterful style of the comedian's wit. For among baseball, old movies, French stuff, men's fashion, and weed, Greg Proops, discusses politics.
Because I am only sixteen, and I haven't ever needed to think that I might like to vote. Neither have I been able to had I thought that I needed to think that I did want to, despite being capable and willing to understand and judge the proceedings of a political debate, in order to make an informed decision on the best candidate. Due to this setback in my political thinking, I was glad to be awakened and informed so wonderfully by Mr. Proops. He doesn't just lean to the left, he took a running jump at it.
Greg's real views are unimportant, just as are mine and your's, the point of partisan politics is to make an enemy against which to rally. Painting the states red and blue is really to know when you stand in enemy territory, and know to be a defensive ****head about your views.
So go download his podcast. Rethink your politics and don't just play halo on election day.